As the Government approaches its 14th day being shutdown, The united states faces the prospect of defaulting on all of their bonds.The government shutdown has already left 350,000 people without income of any kind, cancelled military training missions and slowed economic growth. With the debt ceiling issue quickly gaining on us, and our 16.7 trillion dollar debt issue, the logical thing to do by any means would be to not raise or debt ceiling, and try and take care of some of our debt. It was clear at the beginning of 2013 when the Congress suspended the debt limit, that eventually it would have to be raised, yet again.  With a possible default on government obligations just days away, Senate Democratic leaders — believing they have a political advantage in the continuing fiscal impasse — refused Sunday to sign on to any deal that reopens the government but locks in budget cuts for next year.

Unfortunately, it only extended the stalemate the democrats and republicans were in. If the two parties can not reach an agreement the Government will, likewise, continue to be shutdown. The core of the dispute is about spending, and how long a stopgap measure that would reopen the government should last. Democrats want the across-the-board cuts known as sequestration to last only through mid-November; Republicans want them to last as long as possible.

In all honestly, this whole debt ceiling thing is ridiculous to me. I don’t really think having the ceiling is so bad, but the large amount of  debt we have, is. I also understand that this has happened quite a few times before, and every single time, congress votes to raise the ceiling. Thats an obvious quick fix, but after awhile i imagine the debt at some point is going to be almost unfixable. I think that maybe, they shouldn't raise the ceiling again. Maybe its time to face the consequences and do what needs to be done to get rid of this debt. Or at very least, some of it. Because, in all honesty, raising the ceiling yet again, is a quick fix that's going to come back and bite us in the butts eventually. Only harder, with all the added debt on it. But at the same time, if they don’t pass the bill to raise it could could damage the economy and hurt every American. We are the world’s biggest borrower and a failure of our government like that  would deal a severe blow to the U.S. and global economy. Even the U.S. being on the edge like this would scare every nation and institution that lends to this country. Confidence would be weakened, interest rates would rise sharply and our fragile recovery would be threatened. Allowing this to happen would be destructive. I think if we cut foreign aid a little we would save major money there. We could reduce the size of world- wide troop presence, because we’re paying big bucks for troops to be places where they’re a lot of times not absolutely needed. I think maybe even paying slightly higher taxes would be acceptable. In any case, I really think  this whole debt issue needs to be cleared up. Even if the government doesn't want to face it, I think its time we did.

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